Our Work
The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is the foremost resource about OCD and related disorders. Thanks to the patronage of members and donors. The IOCDF is able to provide support, education, and resources for those affected by OCD and related disorders. As well as for the professionals who treat them.

Education & Advocacy
- Annual OCD Conference. The Annual OCD Conference brings together the most experienced mental health professionals and OCD researchers alongside individuals with OCD and their families. The Conference provides access to the latest information about OCD and related disorders in a supportive and engaging environment.
- One Million Steps for OCD Walk. The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk is an annual grassroots event to raise awareness about OCD and related disorders, while also raising funds to support the work of the IOCDF and its affiliates.
- OCD Awareness Week: OCD Awareness Week is an international effort that takes place annually during the second week of October. The goal of OCD Awareness Week is to raise awareness and understanding about OCD and related disorder, reduce stigma, and advocate for timely access to appropriate and effective treatment
Resources & Support
- Resource Directory. The IOCDF maintains a comprehensive and easy-to-use Resource Directory that includes over 1200 treatment providers specializing in OCD and/or related disorders, 400 support groups, 70 intensive treatment and specialist outpatient clinics, and their local affiliates and global partners. The Resource Directory can be accessed through the IOCDF homepage (www.iocdf.org).
- Online Resources. Our websites, which cover OCD (iocdf.org), OCD in kids (OCDinkids.org), hoarding disorder (helpforhoarding.org), and body dysmorphic disorder (helpforbdd.org), contain content written by some of the leading OCD mental health professionals in the world.
- IOCDF Affiliates. IOCDF regional affiliates carry out the mission of the national organization at a local community level. We have affiliates in 24 states and territories in the US, and are adding more every year.
Research & Training
- IOCDF Training Institute. The IOCDF Training Institute offers a comprehensive curriculum to train mental health professionals in effective treatments for OCD not typically taught during graduate and medical school training.
- Research Grants. The IOCDF is committed to finding and promoting the most effective treatment methods for OCD and related disorders. Since 1994, over $3,000,000 in IOCDF Research Grants have been awarded for research into the causes of, and new treatment for, OCD and related disorders.
- Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board (SCB). The International OCD Foundation’s SCB is comprised of the foremost clinicians and researchers in the US who treat and research OCD and related disorders.
To learn more about our work, visit iocdf.org/programs.